Sunday, 14 September 2014

Toyota Vios Baru Lebih Teruk Dari Proton!


Seorang pengguna Toyota Vios meluahkan rasa tidak puas hatinya di laman sosial mengenai prestasi kereta Toyota Vios yang baru dibelinya dan sehingga kini perkongsian itu mendapat sebanyak 1,757 shares di Facebook.

Chong Bee Yock, pada 31 Ogos yang lalu, mendakwa kereta Toyota Vios mengalami pelbagai masalah yang tidak masuk akal. Chong memberi peringatan kepada mereka yang teringin membeli Toyota Vios, supaya melupakan sahaja niat itu sebelum menyesal di kemudian hari.

Berikut luahan hati Chong Bee Yock:

“Warning to the users who intend to buy toyota vios(new). Dont buy now before you regret. This vios has a lot of problems and Toyota Malaysia will not solve it but keep denying the problem.

The Customer Relations Department reresentatives, Mr.Wong Chee Hong, Technical Consultants, Mr.Ng Hua Yooi and En. Mohd Nazri Mohd Said was in my car during checking my car. When we went over Toyota Seremban Service Centre, s bump with the height of 2 INCH ONLY also has a undercarriage knocking noise. I somemore STOPPED THIS CAR BEFORE GOING OVER THE BUMP(0KM/HR)

En.Ng Hua Yooi said that this car has problems and will help me to solve it. After a month, This Mr.Wong Chee Hong called me and said this car HAS NO PROBLEM! The Problem is that I CANNOT FETCH 5 PEOPLE WHEN GOING OVER A BUMP.


Toyota Vios also has high fuel consumption. When I buy this car, they said that this car only used RM0.17/KM BUT I used RM78 TO DRIVE 308KM! This means i used RM0.25/KM (78÷308). My 1997 May HONDA CITY 1.3 AUTO only used RM70 for 371KM. This old HONDA CITY only used RM0.18/KM.

Toyota only know how to cheat their customers to buy a car which quality is lower than Proton Malaysia. En.Mohd Nazri Mohd Said claim that this car got problem at first but when they couldn’t do anything, they say this car has no problem.

Toyota Vios also has roof top noise when raining problem. As if Toyota Malaysia uses Milo Tin as Toyota Vios rooftop. When raining, the alarm trigger automatically. Does Proton car is worse than this? NO!

They have checked my car for 9 months they only solved the alarm and rofftop problem. The fuel consupmtion and under carriage knocking sound still cannot solved this problem and concluded that TOYOTA VIOS HAS NO PROBLEM!

This MR.NG HUA YOOI said my driving skills got problem. I have drive for more than 30 years. When I drive TOYOTA VIOS = GOT PROBLEM. When I drive HONDA CITY = NO PROBLEM. Now is TOYOTA VIOS GOT PROBLEM OR I GOT PROBLEM!?

Begitulah lumrah membeli kereta. Ayat yang kita selalu dengar dari salesman & orang sekeliling kita, “beli kereta ni, ikut nasib…” 

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